Average Selling Cost of Product - $4
India's Most Valued Retailer

- Apparels Managed Annually: 900 Million+
- No. of stores: 800+
- No. of DCs: 7+
- Type of RFID Tags used: Labels & Hang Tags
i-TEK Role:
- Supply of hardware including tunnels, cabinets, mobile terminal, checkout scanners
- Design and development of cloud based application software (on-premises)
- Solution deployment including hardware
- Installation & maintenance

Engagement with Customer - 2+ years

Cycle Count in DC From 200 days to 10 days

Outbound at Manufacturer Using RFID Tunnels at time of Dispatch

DC / Store Inbound / Outbound HU Level Scanning All night shifts stopped

Stock Movement FOH - BOH: Using Cabinets

Physical Stock Count Daily Stock Verification

Omnichannel Fulfilment & Product Search - Direction based search

RFID Self & Assisted Checkout - Scanners with Detachers

Replenishment -Auto & Dynamic

Software Integration with WMS, SAP & PoS